Easy Electronics
Charles Platt
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Easy Electronics should satisfy anyone who has felt frustrated by entry-level courses that are not as clear and simple as they are supposed to be. This is the simplest, quickest, and least technical, introduction to basic electronics you can find.
Brilliantly clear graphics take you step-by-step through 12 basic projects, none of which should take more than half an hour. Using alligator clips to connect components, you see and hear immediate results. The experiments introduce you to switches, resistors, capacitors, transistors, phototransistors, LEDs, audio transducers, and a silicon chip. You'll even learn how to read schematics by comparing them with the circuits that you build.
No prior knowledge is required, and no math is involved. You learn by seeing, hearing, and touching. The Easy Electronics kit provides everything you need to successfully complete every project in the book at an affordable price. Inside you’ll find tiny incandescent bulbs, LEDs, capacitors, resistors, a phototransistor, 7555 timer, piezoelectric audio transistor, and more.
Concepts and exercises explored in the handbook include:
- Transistor as a switch or an amplifier
- Phototransistor to function as an alarm
- Capacitor to store and release electricity
- Transducer to create sounds from a timer
- Resistor codes
- A miniature light bulb to display voltage
- The inner workings of a switch
- Using batteries and resistors in series and parallel
- Creating sounds by the pressure of your finger
- Making a matchbox that beeps when you touch it
And more. Grab the kit and start experimenting right away.
The hands-on approach is fun and intriguing, especially for family members exploring the projects together.
This 6” X 9” handbook consists of 50 pages of full-color illustrations and-easy-to-understand explanations and instructions. No tools are required to perform the experiments — the components included in the kit are all you need. The projects are suitable for anyone with no prior experience, including younger students working with adult supervision.

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