Check out our electronic component packs below which are designed to follow the educational electronics books by author Charles Platt. We have worked with the author to make sure our kits contain the correct parts you need for each experiment in the accompanying book, including the latest Make: Electronics Third Edition Electronics Kit & Make: Electronics Third Edition Paperback Book by Charles Platt.
We at ProTechTrader are honored to be recommended by Mr. Platt as a primary manufacturer of electronics kits for his books as listed on his sites:
Charles Platt’s Electronics Pages & Platt Kits

Make: Radio Electronics Component Kit - Learn to B
Make: Radio Component Kit - Electronics Component Pack Designed to Fol......

Ultimate Make: Electronics Kit Bundle - Includes A
Ultimate Make: Electronics Kit Bundle - Includes All 3 Electronic Comp......

Make: Electronics Kits (3rd Ed) - Electronic Compo
Electronics Kits designed for the experiments in the Make: Electronics......

Make: Electronics: 3rd Edition Learning by Discove
Make: Electronics: 3rd Edition Learning by Discovery: A hands-on prime......

Make: Electronics 2nd Edition Mini Component Pack
The ProTechTrader Make: Electronics Component Kit 1 has been designed ......

Make: Electronics Kits 2nd Ed Component Packs for
Our Component Kit was designed to follow the best selling Make Electro......

Make: Electronics Learning Through Discovery (2nd
Make: Electronics: Learning Through Discovery [Charles Platt] on Amazo......

Make: Electronics 2nd Ed Ultimate Electronic Kit C
Make: Electronics 2nd Ed Ultimate Electronic Kit Component Packs 1 2, ......

Make: Easy Electronics Book by Charles Platt (Pape
Make: Easy Electronics by Charles Platt (PaperBack Book 2017) Learn Ba......

Make: Easy Electronics Component Pack - Follows Ha
Easy Electronics Component Pack. We worked with author Charles Platt ......

Make: Easy Electronics Kit Bundle - Component Pack
Make: Easy Electronics Kit and Book Bundle - Includes the Handbook by ......

Radioshack Make: Electronics Component Pack 1 (1st
Radioshack Make: Electronics Component Pack 1 (1st Ed) - This Componen......

Radioshack Make Electronics Component Pack 2 - 1st
Radioshack Make Electronics Component Pack 2 - 1st Edition - Newer Ver......